Fed praises work of Operation Hampshire

South Wales Police Federation deputy chair Phil Walker has highlighted the work of Operation Hampshire after it became a priority workstream for the National Police Wellbeing Service, Oscar Kilo, and Police Covenant and was adopted by UNISON.

The wellbeing initiative, launched by Oscar Kilo almost three years ago, is designed to prevent and combat assaults on officers by offering guidance and process throughout police forces across the country.

It has created a national network of  leads to develop a pool of knowledge so that every force across the country is represented and can share their experiences to help tackle the issue of assaults together.

Operation Hampshire provides a consistent approach to wellbeing support and victim care following an assault, considers the potential impact of every assault, increases criminal justice outcomes and improves overall understanding of assaults on officers.

Phil said: “The health and welfare of our members has always been a top priority of the Police Federation and Operation Hampshire is a great example of how we can provide effective help and support.

“Unfortunately, police officers are routinely threatened with violence and the impact of an assault on their physical and emotional wellbeing is difficult to overestimate.

“Operation Hampshire was launched to help officers deal with the aftermath of an attack and has come into its own as a vital support network over the last three years.”

The initiative has been driven largely by national Operation Hampshire co-ordinator Dave Brewster who retired from the Met last year but retained his role to keep up the momentum of the initiative with the National Police Wellbeing Service.

He said: “My goal is that every assault on a police officer or member of staff is recorded, investigated and then those involved are given the correct support they need.

“Even if they don’t think that they need support, I believe everyone should at least be offered it.”